That You Remember Me
Part one of two parts
I’ve learned so much throughout my life,
but there’s much I don’t recall.
I know it’s in there somewhere
but it’s hard to find it all.
It’s not that I’ve forgotten you,
or the things I said I’d do;
I remember everything
but it’s hidden somewhere I can’t see
just beyond my view.
You see, there is a shadow where
there didn’t used to be,
and sometimes when I look right there
it just confuses me.
I remember lovely flowers,
and songs I used to sing.
I remember springtime showers,
and rainbows they would bring.
I remember movies
and who would be the star,
but sometimes it’s so hard for me
to know just who you are.
Copyright Daniel Mark Extrom. All rights reserved. Donate to Alzhiemer’s research.