Links I Like


Links to Sites I Like


Note: Links to Important Charitable Causes are shown here under the footer menu page, or at this link, or can be found under “Health & Wellness Poems” on the Main Menu. But please don’t infer that the links below are not important too!

On this “Links I Like” page I will show links that I like, and you might like them too. Check them out. They will open in a new window.

Note: I am not affiliated with any of the organizations or sites shown below, and am not responsible for content therein. And I get no monetary benefit from any of the sites linked hereto. I just like their causes! That’s all. They do good things for people!

___ : A blogsite about Alzheimer’s Disease. : This is a group I joined in March 2014, and there are poets and poems of all different genres with a lot of interesting things to say, in interesting ways, which is as it should be. : John Walton is whimsical, lyrical, funny, fun, introspective, deep, and enjoyable. Read his poetry. Enjoy.
