It’s Memorial Day. Time to Remember Those Who Served.
“Of Distant Mist and Muffled Drum” was written several years ago after a visit to Arlington National Cemetery. One can’t help but be moved by a visit to this national shrine to deceased servicemen. If you have a chance, go. You will appreciate your country, your family, and those who served, those who died, those who were wounded both mentally and physically, and the families of those who served too.
This poem was my little salute to those who served and paid the ultimate price. We forget how young so many of them were when they fought and when they died. So sad.
In honor of our veterans and their families, I am making a couple of these available for download for $0.75. To see them, click here. After downloading, just print and put in a frame.
Note that there are several different versions on this poem. I also have photo poems that can be ordered in print form. To see these, click here.