The Silence and the Darkness: September 11

Written by on September 11, 2011 in Memorial Poems, News with 0 Comments

The Silence and the Darkness

A September 11 Poem

Can you hear the silence?
There’s a space there in your mind,
ten years old
but still brand new—
still burning you and touching you
though you were far away.
Can you see the silence?
Not a cloud was in the sky,
but a lost and wayward airplane
turned in to a tower
and your world stopped to ponder
until there was another
and then you were not sure at all
of what it was you knew,
but you knew it was a morning
unlike any other
and you could not forget.
Can you smell the silence?
Terror reigned and rained
in Pennsylvania, NYC and DC
and sunny skies were fillled with clouds
of smoke and fire
and shouts and screams
and gasps and sirens
and mothers, fathers, children crying –
a spot of sun through monstrous clouds;
this was  life
among the dead.
This was life
among the dying.
Then the loudest sound of all:
Silence: silence so profound,
from sky down to the ground
and back again.
And then the sky began to fall,
and all we knew was nothing,
nothing then at all.
You recall the silence.
It is always there—
a space inside your mind
that never will be filled:
not with pictures; not with sound;
just a piece of silence
in a place of darkness
inside of which is vastness
with a thousand million questions
and a thousand million resolutions
that all come down to this:
How shall we now live?
The silence and the darkness
brought by stealthy enemy
somehow can unite us
when we ourselves can not.
Remember those who perished.
Remember those they loved.
And remember then the heroes:
They never let us down.
Celebrate that silence.
Celebrate that darkness.
Celebrate that space.
And celebrate America,
rising from the ashes.
Can you feel the silence?
Then ponder once again:
Who have we become?
And who shall we now be?

Copyright Daniel Mark Extrom. Sept. 2011.  All rights reserved.



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About the Author

About the Author: Husband. Father. Friend. Writer. Lawyer. Businessman. Gift maker. Poet. Lover of learning. This site is a labor of love, a mid-life crisis come to life. I love words and I love making gifts that I know people love! They please the eyes and touch the heart! (I hope!) .


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