All over the world, students are graduating from schools at every level: grade schools, high schools, colleges, graduate schools, medical schools, law schools.
And for you who are graduating, I offer my heartfelt congratulations, and thanks!
Why thanks? Because of course it marks an accomplishment. But it also marks you–the graduate–as a learner, as someone who understands that learning is the key to the success of your own life, and the life that you will yet become.
And as you add accomplishments to your own life, you will add value to the lives of others, including your own children, your own neighborhoods, your own town or city, your nation, and our world. That too is an accomplishment! And a responsibility! Accept that responsibility, and continue always to be a student, to be a learner.
Graduation is not an end. It’s a new beginning and another step in a life, your life. Enjoy it! Celebrate it! And let it be the next pillar in your foundation.