
The Poems and Website Content are Protected by US Copyright Law

U.S. copyright law protects all of the poems and the text on this website, and Daniel Mark Extrom is the copyright holder and owner of all poems and the text on this website (with the exceptions of “Comments” by others or “Guest Blog” articles or poems shared or submitted by others).  All rights are reserved.  No poem or part thereof may be copied, reproduced or otherwise re-published, disseminated, performed or recited or otherwise distributed without the express written consent and permission of Daniel Mark Extrom, except as may be permitted or described herein.

All poems, text and photographs of picture poems on this website are protected by US Copyright law, and the copyrights thereto are owned by Daniel Mark Extrom.

If you submit a Comment or Guest Post, I assume that you are authorizing and granting a license for me to post the Comment or Guest Post on the site, and you hereby allow me to do so without further consideration.

Comments or Guest posts are the property of the authors, and are used here with permission by virtue of submitting the Comment or Guest Post.  Most photographs on the site are the copyrighted property of Daniel Mark Extrom.  Photographs not owned by Daniel Mark Extrom are used with permission. Note: We do not sell photographs. Photographs are used here to show examples of what can be done by the purchaser or recipient with their picture poem, except that certain photographs are used as background only for the poems, and they are not an integral part of the picture poem, as many other photographs could have been chosen to serve as background of the poem.  Certain photographs are copyrighted property of Daniel Mark Extrom, or a license or permission was granted to allow the use of said photographs for the purpose to which they were put.

The purchaser of poem(s) or picture poem(s) sold or distributed on or through this site by Daniel Mark Picture Poems Inc. shall have the right to give or deliver the picture poem in whatever form (on picture matting or paper as the case may be as ordered by purchaser) as delivered to the purchaser, to his or her recipient, but reproduction or re-publication of the poem itself in any other form, whether written, electronic or otherwise, is expressly prohibited.* (*See below for special exceptions.) This means you cannot copy it to give to someone else, you cannot record it while being read, you cannot videotape it being read, and you cannot download or copy it and put it on a website or other internet application or site.  Sorry.  No other rights are transferred, given or sold to the purchaser or his or her successor or assignee (i.e., the recipient of the gift).  Purchaser owns and receives no copyrights or license rights or any other rights in any poem by virtue of the purchase of a picture poem from Daniel Mark Picture Poems Inc. In other words, when you buy a “picture poem” from this site, you have purchased the matting with the words on it, or the paper with the words on it (or whatever other medium may be used, such as coffee mugs, etc.), and if you choose to buy a frame, you get the frame too. You own the “piece” which includes the text, the matte, and the frame. But you have no rights to or in the poem itself, and no rights to reprint or reproduce or copy the poem(s) and sell or license or transfer them to anyone else, except as may be granted in writing by Daniel Mark Extrom as set forth herein or on the Commissioned Poems page.

Permission or Allowance to Publish

In some instances, permission may be granted to allow you to publish a poem in a yearbook or dedication book (as, for example, in a high school yearbook or dedication book, or in a wedding program or similar form) which does not involve the physical creation and delivery of a “picture poem” or poem on the part of Daniel Mark Picture Poems.  Instead, permission may be granted to allow you to publish a poem found on this website in a yearbook or dedication book or in a written program or similar publication.  Any purchase of an “Allowance to Publish” a poem in another form allows you only to publish in that publication on a one-time basis and no others.  You must identify the form and name of the publication to Daniel Mark Extrom before publication.  Any such “Allowance to Publish”  or “Permission to Publish” requires that you do not alter the text of the poem, nor add your own words or phrases to the poem when published.  You may publish all or part of the subject poem, but you may not change the words. You may add words as terms of endearment or personalization to the person being honored: for example, “For Emily on your graduation” or “With Our Love” or something to that effect.  And you must give author credit (Daniel Mark Extrom) in the published poem.  Daniel Mark Extrom and Daniel Mark Picture Poems Inc. allows you, the purchaser, or your gift recipient, to publish for that purpose only, but grants no rights to transfer, sell, or otherwise re-publish any such poem(s). See also the “Permission to Use a Poem” page.

*Special Exceptions: If you have purchased a picture poem or received permission allowing you to publish as described above, or if you are the recipient of a gift of a picture poem, you may record, via audio or video device, the reading of the poem in a wedding ceremony or similar event (such as an honorary dinner for a retiring employee, or an anniversary party for a couple, or graduation party, and the like).  Author credit must be given.

See also the comments about copyrights in Commissioned Poems, which are incorporated herein by reference.
