Downloadable Runner’s Blessing poem
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If you put an item into the shopping cart and then change your mind, click the red X, and when the "Return to Shop" button appears, click the arrow that takes you to "The Shop." Click through and then return back to your page by clicking the Photo related to your choice, or go through the main navigation menu. This is necessary to clear the shopping cart and the selection boxes. I will try to find out if there is a fix for this, but for now the above should work. If not, contact me.
For downloadable items, make selection(s) then follow Shopping Cart to PayPal. After paying, you will receive instructions on how to download your item(s).
Frames: See Top Menu Page titled "Frames." As the frames do contain glass, we ship the pieces with great care to prevent breakage. Be very careful when opening the package, and watch for breaks or cracks in the glass right away. See the top menu item titled "Frames."
Etched Pieces: Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of etched pieces.
Depending on the amount of text for personalization, photograph opening sizes may have to be adjusted and some text sizes may have to be adjusted also or perhaps edited.
Copyrights: See Top Menu Page titled "Copyrights." All poems, text and photographs of picture poems on this website are protected by US Copyright law, and the copyrights thereto are owned by Daniel Mark Extrom. Copyright 2009-2014. All rights reserved.
Sales Taxes: Purchaser is responsible for sales taxes in states other than Illinois. Illinois sales tax will be added at checkout.