Tag: Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving 2014!

Happy Thanksgiving 2014!

Written by on November 27, 2014 in Family & Children & Thoughts on Things with 0 Comments

I just want to wish everyone who visits here and reads my little pieces a very happy Thanksgiving Day!  I am grateful to you.  This is a uniquely American tradition, and as much as it has been commercialized, it still retains value because it helps to bring friends and families together. And special thanks to […]

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Special Thanks!

Special Thanks!

Written by on November 23, 2014 in Family & Children & Thoughts on Things, Updates with 0 Comments

Time to say Thanks!   Today, Sunday, I am thanking some people, and I will try to do this throughout the week. I met a wonderful lady for coffee on Friday. Jean MacDonald is a speaker and a business coach.  She is actually a Distinguished Toastmaster (or DTM), and she speaks to organizations and businesses […]

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