This is Part II of a poem called “So Hope Will Live,” which was written last year. It was not written with Steve Jobs in mind, but it is a poem written from the perspective of an organ recipient who is alive because of someone else’s gift. Donate Life: Your life will go on living.

Part II of “So Hope Will Live:”
A part of you now lives in me
and we are joined like family—
not in blood and not in name,
different, yes, but yet the same—
joined in cause and common voice—
knowing that there is a choice
to donate life to someone else
so they may live their life again.
May each life be for all
a light ahead in driving rain.
Copyright Daniel Mark Extrom 2010-2011. All rights reserved.
Also, give to JDRF. For the children.
Tags: "a gift of life", "daniel mark picture poems", "donate life", "organ transplant", "poems of inspiration", Commemoration, extraordinary, gift, gifts, Health, heirlooms, legacies, memorial poetry, picture poems, poems, poetry, Steve Jobs